Netlight Edge Conference Hamburg

welcome to my hometown
Under this motto, the Hamburg office of our client hosted the “Edge Conference” to which 800 colleagues from Stockholm, Oslo, Helsinki, Copenhagen, Zurich, Berlin and Munich were invited.
Our task was to set up the three-day event: Coordinate the arrival and departure of the participants, bring them closer to the city with a unique program and realize the Edge Conference with speakers on the third day.

After the day of arrival with a welcome by a shanty choir and a boat trip to the Elbphilharmonie, the 2nd day began with us having to conduct all 800 guests to the company’s own “Alsterrun” around the Hamburg Alster as early as 6:30 am. Including running through the legendary “Netlight Technotunnel”.
Afterwards the guests were informed in the Schmidts Tivoli what they should experience on this day. At least about what was planned… That we should come into conflict with the law enforcement agency, the Hamburg police, three times on this day, nobody suspected at this point.

Also, how were we to know that it was forbidden to put a cellist in the town hall square to introduce lunch in the Ratskeller?
That we had to reckon with the water police during our flash mob with 300 canoes and pedal boats on the Binnenalster, we had already calculated, after we had tried for weeks in vain to get an official permit.

At the latest when we mounted our sound system for the rave on a Venetian gondola directly in front of the eyes of the passers-by, at 27 degrees in the golden Hamburg autumn, it had to be clear to everyone what we were up to here. Nevertheless, it took almost an hour until the law enforcers ended our party.
However, the guys from the service were so impressed by what we had put up under their watchful eyes, so to speak, that after a friendly conversation they refrained from arresting our organizing team.

Street Parade with escort
For dinner, we reserved all the restaurants in the Portuguese Quarter exclusively for our guests. Afterwards, when we made our way to the Reeperbahn, joined together for the street parade and accompanied by a loudly drumming samba band, the police were much quicker on the scene this time.
After we could convince the nice gentlemen in green that it was not a G20 demonstration but a company event, they were not only cooperative about the volume, but also gave us an exclusive police escort to the Mojo Club.

At the latest, when the entrance gates to the legendary Mojo Club slid smoking out of the floor of the Reeperbahn and we were greeted by two drag queens, the crowd was finally flashed.
The exclusive party that followed was one of the best we have ever experienced as part of a company celebration.

Edge Conference
Pink Floyd was here
The bar for the day of the conference was now naturally very high! But the guests were not disappointed, because here the company-relevant content was conveyed by top-class speakers. It paid off that we had planned this part as ambitiously as the previous days.
After months of negotiations, we had obtained special permission to use the historic Audimax of the University of Hamburg. None other than Pink Floyd had given one of their first concerts in Europe here in 1970. After we had fulfilled all escape, fire and monument protection guidelines, our stage in the Audimax provided a spectacular and professional background for the top-class speakers of the Edge Conference.

Another brick in the wall.
But the highlight of the day was the performance by the choir of Hamburg-based Netlighter, who, accompanied by their in-house band, surprisingly performed the cult anthem “Another brick in the wall”.
An emotional conclusion and a goosebump moment for all of us.