Spotify – Music, Art and Lifestyle!

What´s next

A booth concept for Spotify, the world’s leading audio streaming service with over 345 million active users, is a special challenge every time. It is necessary to create a perfect symbiosis of auditory & visual experience.

In particular, the implementation of the annually changing color codes in conjunction with unusual print motives led to unique booth designs, with which we were already able to set new benchmarks in terms of color design, creativity and originality of the booths at Dmexco in previous years.

Kid Simius, Hoe_mies or Charlotte Roche?

In addition to playlists and podcasts, Spotify’s important USPs are, of course, its artists.

We printed portraits of the hottest Spotify artists on huge, semi-transparent fabric frames. 6 meter high prints were a real visitors magnet in the hall.

Despite a four-month lead time, there is always a fast-paced and exciting final spurt shortly before the start of the trade show, during which our project managers have to adjust to the New York time zone. But we love creative brands like Spotify and are therefore happy to push the organizational limits.

It’s a good thing that we have a network of reliable suppliers who can print 100 linear meters of fabric overnight if necessary.

When the trade fair starts, the priorities of our team change abruptly. Now all our energies are concentrated on offering the customer and the international guests a perfect full service. The highlight of the trade fair day is the legendary booth party, where the Spotify DJs not only rock the stand, but also quickly rock an entire trade fair hall.

That’s why every year we wonder what the bigger challenge of Spotify’s trade show appearance actually is: Designing and building the booth or having enough cold beer for the booth party.

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