Inside out
Urban Sports Club is a fast-growing provider of sports and fitness flat rates in Germany and now throughout Europe. In addition to the B2C sector, Urban Sports Club has also been able to establish itself in the context of corporate health management.
In order to further promote the expansion of the brand and the business, USC decided to present itself at trade fairs with a stand. The different target orientation and focus of the B2B and B2C business segments required a flexible and modular trade fair concept.

We had a good feeling for the brand and the spirit behind it right from the start. Perhaps that was also the reason why we were able to develop a design idea for the trade show booth concept so quickly and requested a presentation date just eight days after the briefing.

For a cool brand like USC, a classic booth concept was out of the question. It had to be something special and out of the ordinary!
We simply reversed the classic construction method for trade show booths. We made the supporting structure visible and arranged the prints behind it – we built the stand “inside out”. The result was amazing, exciting and innovative.
In the end, we won the pitch with this idea and immediately scaled the design concept to different stand sizes.

Just 6 weeks later, the booth at Fibo, the world’s largest fitness trade show in Cologne, caused a sensation and astonishment for the first time.
The booth concept followed USC’s expansion and is now being rolled out internationally.